Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2024

Welcome, it's autumn -
Again, light and colors change
It's harvesting time

(Haiku and picture by Maria)


Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2024

a heart, not broken
often mended, still intact
someone picks it up

(Haiku, picture and appliquéd piece by Maria)

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024

Sitting on a quilt
A rag doll from the old days
The sun is smiling

(Haiku and picture by Maria)


Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2023

Herbstfarben leuchten
Ich freu mich über mein Glück
und halte es fest

(Haiku und Fotos von Maria)


Mittwoch, 12. April 2023


Alte Stickerei
Ein zeitloser Sonnengruß
Leicht fliegt er vorbei

(Haiku von Maria, die handgearbeitete Stickerei ist Familienerbe aus der Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts)

Montag, 31. Oktober 2022


ein Blatt kommt und geht

ich lege es in ein Buch

so bleibt es bei mir

(Haiku und Ginkgo-Blatt von Maria,

das Buch ist von Sue Monk Kidd, 

es heißt: The Invention of Wings,

Tinder Press 2014)


ein Blatt kommt und geht

im Herbst tanzt es in der Luft

und sinkt zu Boden

(Haiku und Ginkgo-Blatt von Maria)

ein Blatt kommt und geht 

es liebt die Jahreszeiten

und lebt mit Freude

(Haiku und Ginkgo-Blatt von Maria)

ein Blatt kommt und geht 

es wünscht sich nichts anderes

- diese Leichtigkeit!

(Haiku und Ginkgo-Blatt von Maria)

Freitag, 7. Januar 2022


Zitronengelbes Licht scheint
Und erwärmt den Raum

(Bild: Miller'sImageBank, Haiku: M&H)

Mittwoch, 4. August 2021

come in and join us
things are pure and simple here
bring in your talents!

(picture  and haiku by Maria, 
the photograph shows a place in the Sauerland, Germany)


Freitag, 26. Februar 2021

a change of season
tulips in their spring colors
they catch the sunlight

(picture and haiku by Maria)


sunlight and shadow
improvisation and plan
they go hand in hand

(patchwork wallhanging and haiku by Maria)

Montag, 13. Juli 2020


Can you imagine
the joyful humming of bees
in a flower field?

(Haiku and picture by Maria, the photo shows the meadow in the fantastic garden of the lovely Bee Museum in Weimar, Germany)

Montag, 29. Juli 2019

Small Red Notebook

my small red notebook
covered with leaves and berries
it holds my treasures

(Haiku and pictures by Maria)

Montag, 4. März 2019

Flug über Berge
und Meer. Kraniche rufen
Das Ziel ist bald nah

               - von Wolfgang

(Haiku and picture by Wolfgang, Berlin, Germany)

Morgens früh aufstehn
dann frohen Mutes rausgehn
Und einen Hund sehn

                - von Johanna

(Haiku and picture by Johanna, Berlin, Germany)

Am lidl Parkplatz
Frühstückspause Herr und Hund
das Frauchen kauft ein

             - von Christa

(Haiku and picture by Christa, Berlin)

Verwirrung - welchen Beinen soll man folgen?

Confusion of shoes
Which pair belongs to my Herr
Which one looks better?

                 - von Christa

(Haiku in English with a speckle of German, text and picture by Christa, Berlin)

Samstag, 23. Februar 2019


Zwitschernde Vogelpaare
Auf zartgrünem Baum.

                       - von Christa

(Haiku by Christa, picture by Maria, it shows a meadow in early spring at the old Romberg Park,
 Dortmund, Germany)

Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2018

Fine Books

What's in a fine book?
Fragile ideas, vague maps, warmth.
The scent of a rose.

(Haiku by Maria, picture taken by Maria at the home of the architect and designer Henry van de Velde in Weimar, Germany.)

Samstag, 8. September 2018

Allgäu- Symphonie

Allgäu- Symphonie

Wildbachrauschen - Blumenwiesen - Fahrwind - Zwetschgenknödel - Buttermilch - Sennalpe - Holzscheune - Holunderschorle - Käsekuchen - Blumenkästen - Bergpanorama - Moorwasser - Tobel - Kneippbad - Wiesenduft - Heu - Bauernhäuser - Kuhglocken - frei-laufende Hühner - Dickmilch mit Früchten - Picknick - Himmel blau-weiß - Wasserfall - Apfelbaumallee - Bergabfahrt ...

das ist das Allgäu

                          H. M.

(text by H.M., pictures by Miller'sImageBank)

Donnerstag, 9. August 2018

Le Vagabond

Le Vagabond

Je suis un vagabond.

Je suis libre.

Je n'ai rien,
et rien qui me retienne.

J'entends de la musique
sur laquelle je danse.
mais personne ne l'écoute, sauf moi.

Le prochain pas?
Là, c'est le néant,
qui m'appelle.

Et moi, j'erre á sa rencontre.

(poem by Françoise and Maria, picture taken by Maria at Montmartre, Paris.)

(If anyone knows the name of the painter I'd be happy to receive an e-mail 
- -.
I'd like to mention his or her name here, I think the painting is marvelous.)

Montag, 2. Juli 2018

Je flane

Je flane

Je flane devant un café
Un chien est assis là
Son regard suit mes pas.

Je flane devant un café
Un chien est assis là
Musique vole par la porte ouverte.

Je flane devant un café
Un chien est assis là
Il voudrait bien me saluer.

Je flane devant un café
Un chien est assis là
Je passe devant un café.

Peut-être la prochaine fois ...

(poem by Françoise and Maria, picture taken by Maria at Montmartre, Paris)

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2018

Je tape
Je suis arrivée
Quelqu'un ouvre la porte

(poem by Françoise et Maria, picture taken by Maria in Paris, Montmartre)

The structure of this poem is called "Elfchen" in German, "Eleven-Words-Poem" in English. Those eleven words are arranged like this:

* *
* * *
* * * *

With the last word one can try to give a new insight to the reader, it's good to choose a word that rounds out what was said before but which also leads into a slightly new direction.

More of these ideas about how to arrange lines of poetry can be found at the side-bar here with the title: 
It's fun!

Montag, 14. Mai 2018

Nous nous rencontrons dans un café.
Quelle joie de te voir.
Nous avons beaucoup de choses à raconter.
Nous nous rencontrons dans un café.
Après tant d'années.
Tu es sans pareil.
Nous nous rencontrons dans un café.
Quelle joie de te voir.

(This Rondell-poem - Rondeau - was written by Françoise and Maria, the picture had been taken by Maria in an alley at Montmartre, Paris.)

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2018

Samstag, 14. April 2018

in the afternoon
the piano is silent
it smiles at the sun

(picture and Haiku by Maria, picture had been taken at the arthouse cinema "Lichthaus" in Weimar, Germany)

Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2017

a piece and a piece 
and a piece and a piece and
a piece and a star

(picture and Haiku by Maria)

Sonntag, 23. Juli 2017

Concert Break

the hot spell cools down
the extravaganza ends
just for some moments

(Haiku and pictures by Maria, pictures were taken at the Mon Ami, Weimar, Germany)

Sonntag, 7. Mai 2017

a leaf in springtime
it's not asking questions yet
but smiles a promise

(Haiku and painting by Maria)

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2016


It's a beginning
Unwrap an old, unknown book
A new tale unfolds

(Haiku and picture by Maria, photo was taken at the Anna-Amalia-Library, Weimar, Germany)

Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2016

Spring is in the air
A gleam of melancholy
Sparks a Bleeding Heart

(picture and Haiku by Maria)

Dienstag, 19. April 2016

On my table I had a bunch of white tulips recently. 
During their last days they all looked like this:
what a celebration of life, joy and beauty!

Sonntag, 27. März 2016

She left a message
For everyone and noone
Noone picked it up

(Haiku and photo by Maria, the picture was taken at the Jewish Cemetery in Weimar, Germany.)

Freitag, 6. November 2015


You are welcome here
Like a fallen leaf you arrived at my house
You are welcome here.

(picture and lines by Maria, 
the sign in the picture reads "Willkommen",
which is German for "welcome".)

Sonntag, 27. September 2015


An unfurnished house
Outside it's warm and sunny
The door is open

(Haiku and picture by Maria,
the photo was taken in a building on the Museum Island Hombroich, Germany)

Mittwoch, 5. August 2015


I am who I am.
Someone belongs to me, yes,
But I'm a wizard.
I do understand magic
And use my skills discreetly.

(Tanka poem and picture by Maria)

Dienstag, 2. Juni 2015

mugs, jugs, pots and jars
endless possibilities
to fill them with light

(Haiku and pictures by Maria, the photos of the pots were taken at the very lovely GlashausGalerie, Recklinghausen, Germany,, 
paintings are made by me)