Samstag, 31. Dezember 2011


Jeder kann tanzen

der Schwerkraft trotzend
nur mit den Zehenspitzen
Musik atmend
die Welt berührend
das Unmögliche wagend
in Gedanken
tanze ich

- von Maria

everyone can dance

in defiance of gravity
on tiptoe only
breathing music
touching the world
trying for something that's impossible
in my thoughts
I dance

- by Maria

Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011

Meine Erinnerung wird niemals verblassen. - My Memory Will Never Fade

An meiner Pinnwand hängt die Eintrittskarte für ein Ballett: 
Der Titel inspiriert mich.
Ich denke an Namibia, Mozambique, Malawi.
Ich schaue mir meine Fotos an - Zeitblicke
Eine intensive Lebensphase,
meine intensivste!
2 1/2 Jahre, die mich bereichert haben, 
2 1/2 Jahre von denen ich immer noch zehre.
Dennoch Sehnsucht. 
Trost finde ich in dem Zitat von Jean Paul:
"Die Erinnerung ist das einzige Paradies, aus dem man nicht vertrieben werden kann."
Meine Erinnerung wird niemals verblassen.
- von Karola 

At my pinboard there is a ticket for a ballett performance:
Views of Time.
I'm inspired by this title.
I'm thinking of Namibia, Mozambique, Malawi.
I look at my photographs - Views of Time.
An intense phase of my life,
my most intense!
2 1/2 years, I gained a lot from that time,
2 1/2 years, I'm still living of that time.
But nonetheless: there is a longing.
I find comfort with the quotation by Jean Paul:
"Recollection is the only paradise from which we cannot be turned out."
My memory will never fade.
- by Karola 

Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2011

Poetry Form: Roundel (Rondell)

A "roundel"  ("Rondell" in German) is a poetry form with repititions of certain lines. There are many variations possible, here is my favourite form:

The poem has 8 lines, and the 1st/ 4th/ 7th line are the same, also the 2nd/ 8th line are the same.

Here is an example in German (and I try to write it in English, too.)

Ich habe eine Fahrkarte gekauft.
Ich verreise.
Ich weiß, wohin ich fahre.
Ich habe eine Fahrkarte gekauft.
Wohin fahren Sie?, fragt mich jemand.
Nach Hause, sage ich.
Ich habe eine Fahrkarte gekauft.
Ich verreise.
I bought a ticket.
I'm on a trip.
I know where I'm going to.
I bought a ticket.
Where are you going to?, someone asks me.
Home, I say.
I bought a ticket.
I'm on a trip.

- by Maria

Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011

Poetry Form: Haiku

ich schrieb einen Brief
ein Sturm trug die Seiten fort
aber etwas bleibt
- von Maria

This poetry form called "Haiku" consists of 3 lines, the first line has 5 syllables, the second 7, the third line has 5 syllables again.
A Haiku-poem tries to be simple and precise like a Zen painting. It describes situations, not emotions. The emotions are present within the reader when reading the poem, because there is room for him or her to  create his or her own images, sentiments and connections.
A Haiku usually makes a reference to nature (seasons, weather, animals) and is often written in the present tense.

walking to and fro
a panther in a small cage
the door stands ajar

by Maria

Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011

A Note For My Pinboard

A Note For My Pinboard

desaster and brokenness
these multifaceted twins in flamboyant disguise -
don't flirt with them
they might accept the invitation readily
and come along

abundance keeping its balance
a sparkling fountain surrounded by melodies -
go and listen
it will sing a song just for you in a low voice
and be your guide

- by Maria