Dienstag, 22. November 2011

Icarus' Fist

Icarus‘ Fist
(after reading „Landscape With The Fall of Icarus“ 
by William Carlos Williams)
Off the high cliffs they jumped
Their wings were constructed well
They flew like birds 
Joy filled their heart Icarus was young
He craved so much
For the sun‘s warmth
For this light this bright light 
Minos‘ labyrinth lay far away now
Here was the sunlight higher
Never before had he felt that excitement 
He didn‘t notice his father‘s calls
He didn‘t notice the melting wax
He lost one or two feathers nevermind
Higher higher his wings fell apart
He had been so close and then
He lost all chances to be free 
He fell head first into
Minos‘ sea and drowned.
According to Breughel
Noone noticed anything.
Everyone was very busy.
The grieving Daedalus
Lost his son while his own
Wings were strong enough to 
Fly. Later Daedalus found 
Icarus on the shore. 
He buried his son 
And lived on. He never 
Forgot this feather in 
Icarus‘ fist.

by Maria